Interviewee: 15 year old, boy. This particular young adult lives in the country and is home school with assistance from his mother, but mostly on his own.
- What type of technology do you use to access the Internet?
- phone, laptop, but I do not use it that much, only for school.
- How would you describe the purpose of the Internet?
- I would say it is universal, for entertainment, sometimes I use it for research for my school work
- What do you use the Internet for?
- Mainly for my school work.
- Do you like to read? If yes, do you prefer to read on the computer/device or in print?
- Yes, I prefer print, like a book
- How many hours a day would you say you use the Internet?
- Umm, probably one hour to be honest
- Do you use any type of social media? If so, what types?
- Yes, snapchat, no twitter or Facebook
- (Only if yes to 5) How many hours are devoted to social media?
- Like, I use snapchat to talk to my cousin only because we like to use that over text, so about 30 minutes
- Do you prefer to communicate through social media or in person?
- In person, everything is better in person. I talk to my cousin all the time, but I miss the interaction in person
- How long could you survive without access to the Internet?
- Oh, forever.
- How has the Internet impacted your life? Positive and/or negative.
- Positive- use for research on school, entertainment
- Negative- clicking wrong websites cause sometimes there are some things you just don't want to see.
In analysis of his answers, it is apparent that this youth is not among the many of today. In other discussions, we have chatted about his sister and her constant use of her phone. He mentioned one time, "She could never survive without her phone. She is on it all the time." This young man is mature for his age and enjoys other activities more than being on the Internet. He is not against the use of technology, but is not one to be on his phone constantly. In situations, I have noticed he pulls out his phone when he feels uncomfortable, or there is no conversation among the group he is in. I believe it would be safe to say youth rely on technology to supply a constant feeling of belonging and comfort. As seen in the audio and video listings for this module, we see understand the use of technology as more than a resource, but as either a substitute for conversation, or a creator of one.